Genesis of Krishi Vigyan Kendra
To promote activities for development of agriculture and allied field by training formers, farm women, youth and landless poor and scheduled cast persons, the ICAR accorded sanction in July 1983 for establishment of Krishi Vigyan Kendra(KVK) to Shri Bhagwat Bhagti Ashram a-voluntary organization. However, the actual work of KVK started from 1 March 1984 on appointment of a minimum necessary staff.
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra is the grass-root-lavel vocational training institution, designed for bridging the gap between the available technologies and their application for increased production among farming community. For this purpose, vocational scientific training in Crop Production, Plant Protection, Horticulture including Vegetables, Animal Husbandry, Agricultural Engineering, Fisheries, Soil Science and Home Science is imparted to the farmers and the farm women both in the campus and villages by following the principle of ‘Teaching by doing’ and ‘Learning by doing’.

Brief History of Host Organization
The work for the establishment of Shri Bhagwat Bhakti Ashram was started in 1918 by late Rao Balbir Singh ji, according to the wishes of his Guru Parampujya Swami Parmanand ji Maharaj. Being a great humanitarian, the late Rao Balbir ji had donated about 200 acres (82 ha approx.) of land separately for setting up various institutions, buildings, goshala and afforestation of the Ashram. In addition he donaed the entire land of village Daliaki for running the various establishment and to provide them financial assistance for the welfare of the people.
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